Register Now!



  • Registration will be done online using the form below, please fill out the form dutifully and attach at least 3 photos of the character you have chosen from as many angles as possible. The better your images the easier you make life for the judges.
  • Once registered however you cannot change your actual costume choice! Only under exceptional circumstances will this be permitted. For queries on changes email
  • You will then be emailed your registration number, please walk with this on the day of the convention and also remember to attach it to the front of your hard copy submission folder for prejudging. Judges will have access to the folder you would have provided digitally on July 15th but you are allowed to bring one in person if you want to draw specific things to their attention on the day.
  • Registration costs $100TTD and must be paid within 2 weeks of registering online to secure your slot. For representatives coming from Host events, the registration fee is waived. The deadline for registration is June 30th or when all slots are filled, whichever comes first. No late registration is allowed for the CCC.
Alias Entertainment Expo
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